Ania Kanik has been working as our bookkeeper since 2017.
Chloe Todd Fordham is supporting us with our communications and marketing development.
Alice Underwood is a filmmaker and video content artist specialising in movement and visual performance. Alice has filmed and photographed a number of our projects as well as put together our brilliant home page video.
And thank you to these earlier team members and freelancers:
Helena Baptista – volunteered with us as a Manager on our large scale events and is now a Creative Arts Teacher and Editor of The Voice of the Ville magazine at HMP Pentonville.
Julia Branché – a university placement and Project Assistant with us; now the Artistic Director of Malaga’s French Film Festival.
Hannah Bruce – originally our Project Manager and then General Manager, Hannah left to pursue her own performance work and now works as a Relationship Manager for Dance at Arts Council England.
Saba Burali – a university placement with us, she is now Manager of Italy’s Teatri Soffiati.
Julia Carruthers – worked with us as our Senior Producer and is now a Freelance Consultant after many years as Programme Director at Warwick Art Centre.
Anne Engel – supported us as an interim General Manager; she continues to freelance at Multilateral.
Steve Ehrlicher – spent many years with us on the finances; he remains an artist and steam train enthusiast.
Katy Fuller – a Creative Producer of outdoor arts with us; now Director of Pinwheel and Chair of North Tyneside Cultural Partnership.
Lizzy Ferguson – was our National Theatre ‘Step Change’ trainee before becoming Company Administrator with NoFit State.
Jackie Friend – spent four years with us as Marketing and Audience Development Manager around our Circus Evolution project. Jackie is now Head of Marketing for WORKTECH Events, a global conference series focussed on the future of work through the lenses of people, place, technology, culture and design.
Céline Gaubert – joined us from France for some UK arts experience; Céline is now Head of External Relations with Akram Khan Company.
Emma Gladstone – was the Crying Out Loud Co-Director at the very beginning (2003-2005). Emma went on to be Artistic Director and Chief Executive of the Dance Umbrella festival and you can read more about Emma’s life here.
Kath Gorman – supported us with her development expertise ; she is now based in Ireland as a freelance consultant and Director of Promenade.
Jo Hammett – came to COL as a producer from Artsadmin in 2006 and went on to work in the Theatre team at Arts Council England.
Richard Haughton – a great photographer for us since our inception.
Flora Herberich – originally worked with us, Roundhouse and Jacksons Lane on a circus producing fellowship. Flora is now Circusful Head of Programmes and Producer for the Festival of Fools, both in Belfast.
Lani Huens – a university placement who went from Crying Out Loud to become Producing and Touring Coordinator at Sadler’s Wells, before relocating to France, now working with tech design company Mesetys.
Denise Jones – worked on project development with us; she is a writer and Project Manager.
Slavka Jovanovic – spent many years as our Education Consultant; now Producer and Programmer on both the year round and the festival programmes at Brighton Dome and Festivals.
Kate Laird – worked for us as a Creative Producer; and continues as a freelance Producer in Brighton and the South East.
Aleisha Mainwaring – is studying film at the University of Southampton and joined the Crying Out Loud team as our 2024 summer intern.
Solène Marié – began as a university placement; and is now Deputy Director and Head of the Americas Sector at the French National Centre for Scientific Research.
Molly Nicholson – originally joined us in 2010 as one of two Jerwood bursary Assistant Producers and went on to produce CircusFest at Roundhouse. Molly co-founded Scottee & Friends Ltd – now &Friends Productions CIC – and is currently an Executive Producer specialising in circus, cabaret and drag and socially engaged theatre.
Spencer Noll – worked with us as a Creative Performance Facilitator; and is now Associate Director at English Touring Theatre Limited.
Laura Olgiati – worked as our Project Coordinator and is now Managing Director at Impact Hub Zürich.
Alice O’Shea – worked with us whilst finishing her MA in Arts Administration & Cultural Policy at Goldsmiths, Alice graduated with distinction.
Elodie Peltier – began as a Project Manager; she is now in digital project management.
Robin Peters – worked as our Fundraiser; he is now growing olives on the island of Ithaca.
Daniel Pitt – began with us as one of two Jerwood bursary Assistant Producers and is now Creative Director & Chief Executive of Old Diorama Arts Centre.
Marie Remy – was our General Manager and is now a Director of Ample Play Records.
Axel Satgé – now runs Yellow Everything, a platform which connects artists who are burring the lines between circus, dance and everything else with venues and audiences around the world.
Joanne Skapinker – worked as a specialist in Inclusive Practice and Sensory Theatre; is currently working as Programme Producer with Punchdrunk Enrichment.
Stella Tachtara – began as a university placement; and she now works for the International Olympic Academy in Athens.
Annette Telesford – has supported many of our projects and went on the be Venue Supervisor at the Bargehouse, Oxo Tower Wharf.
Leah Townley – originally a trainee producer, she is now a freelance drama facilitator.
Pam Vision – was one of our very first producers and stayed for nine years; she currently works as a Senior Project, Event & Relationships Manager in Theatre at Arts Council England.
Archie Williams – worked with us as a university placement in 2022 on our Taroo project.