Crashing through the conventions of traditional circus.
Pirates of the Carabina (POC) specialise in theatrical, highly technical circus shows combined with live music.
Originally founded by a group of 10 experienced artists, POC created a platform for developing its own ideas, bringing to the stage the qualities that best express its essence.
POC was formed organically out of a one-off commissioned performance of Flown for Glastonbury Festival in 2011. Since Flown’s success, the Glastonbury Arts Commission has become an established award, offering a platform for new circus companies. During 2013/14 Flown toured to venues across the UK, performing over 80 shows to more than 22,000 people. It was performed to capacity crowds at Glastonbury Festival, Circus City Bristol and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe where they won the Total Theatre Award for best Physical/Visual Theatre show.
Crying Out Loud and Pirates of the Carabina
For us, the rewarding part of working with POC is their desire to constantly reinvent and develop their work. Crashing through the conventions of traditional circus they bring with them elements of the old but pull in their own punchy inventions for the 21st century.
Supporting the development and presentation of Flown and, more recently, Pirate Taxi is part of our commitment to develop UK middle scale contemporary circus. As an active project with the PASS Circus Channel partners, POC have participated in two residencies at La brèche, Cherbourg and Lighthouse Poole which has supported skills development, introduced directorial outside eyes and lighting expertise. In addition, Crying Out Loud has supported POC with the development of their company and the decision to constitute themselves as a collective.
Flying every which way on whatever is humanly possible we are supporting the Pirates on their journey forwards, or should we say upwards.
See more about their work

Part of Circus Around & About
Pirate Taxi
Pirates of the Carabina

Part of Circus Evolution and Spotlight UK Circus
Pirates of the Carabina

In partnership with NoFit State
Spotlight UK Circus - CIRCa festival du cirque actuel
Various artists

Creative Residency 2016
Pirates of the Carbina and Far From The Norm

In partnership with 11 UK venues
Circus Evolution
Various artists

The Mayor of London and the London 2012 Festival
Piccadilly Circus Circus
Various artists