A poetic exploration of North African culture.

Weaving together traditional Moroccan acrobatics and modern performance in a poetic exploration of North African culture, Groupe Acrobatique de Tanger delighted audiences with their incredible ability and skills.

Acrobats topple along the Tanger skyline or fly through the air in acts that defy gravity. A seemingly endless sheet of fabric, which gives the show its name, Taoub, morphs from billowing backdrop to lavish dress – taking on a life of its own. Live Arabic music and traditional songs further immerse you in this dream-like Moroccan world.

Built on centuries of traditional Moroccan performance honed on the beaches of Tanger, this family company displayed the tricks of their forefathers with a raw, youthful energy. Director Aurélien Bory, a pioneering figure in French contemporary circus and founder of the acclaimed Compagnie 111, added the spice and humour of 21st century performance to their ancient art.