A joyous, high impact circus show that celebrates fear.
Embracing The Revel Pucks’ artistic mission of redefining the circus’s place in culture, The Wing Scuffle Spectacular explored what circus ordinarily tried to hide. The Revel Pucks believed it was time to celebrate fear, to laugh with it and to revel in it together. Without fear how can we learn or grow as people? Circus is the art form that teeters closest to the brink of danger, yet most companies mask the associated fear in their work.
The Wing Scuffle Spectacular was a joyous, absurd flirtation with danger, rejoicing as we confront fear, and laugh in its face. No animals, no ringmasters, no bad clowns. Only jaw-dropping circus, moments to fill your belly with laughter and the joy of the shared experience of live performance.
Derby CAN and Crying Out Loud
Derby CAN (Derby Creative Arts Network) was a project, supported by Arts Council England, where organisations created theatre and live events in partnership with people who live in Derby and surrounding areas. Led by Derby Theatre, Crying Out Loud was one of three national partners amongst the fourteen partners comprising theatres, arts organisations, businesses, artists and community group.
The Wing Scuffle Spectacular was presented as a double bill as part of Derby’s Feste festival, and alongside an eclectic range of performances from local artists, companies and people specifically made to celebrate the brilliant talent of Derby.