Once Upon A Story is created within Manchester Town Hall, a treasure trove of stories of and about childhood, where anything is possible and audiences find themselves at the heart of the action. Inne Goris presents 4 pieces of work for the 2013 Manchester International Festival.
Daydream (3 – adult) Come in. Settle down. Close your eyes and listen. Are there bees living in your ears? Has the sea stopped crying? Is the house sighing? Let the music caress you – inside a 40′ shipping container (15 minutes).
Long Grass (15 – adult) A challenging and thought provoking full-length installation performance, inspired by the dreams and memories of child soldiers. Long Grass encourages us to ask questions and draw parallels between the soldiers’ experiences and our own lives (60 minutes).
Once Upon A Time (4 – adult) A sparkling, wordless performance using material from classic fairytales, taking the whole family on an adventure into the dark heart of the fairytale… and out again! (60 minutes).
ZigZag ZigZag (9 – adult) A story about adventurous friendship, unfortunate circumstances and the pain of letting go (60 minutes).