An ode to nature with stunning acrobatics where the star of the show is a piece of turf.

Grasshoppers  is a creation full of humour and energy where Circus Katoen makes nature more alive than it already is, representing the resilience and vulnerability of nature and the role that we as humans play in it. The artists transform grass into an object that is mobilised, manipulated and controlled. Circus Katoen hope that the show inspires kindness towards nature in future generations. Grasshoppers  is a show for children, but can be enjoyed by all the family!

Company Biography

Concept, choreography, dramaturgy, scenography and interpretation – Willem Balduyck & Sophie van der Vuurst de Vries
Coaching – Kitt Johnson, Hanne Vandersteene
Artistic advice – Benjamin Kuitenbrouwer
Costumes – Lorelinde Hoet
Co-production – MiramirO (B), PERPLX (B), Theater op de Markt Dommelhof (B)

Residencies – Atelier Blanchefosse (FR), Latitude 50 (BE), PERPLX (BE), MiramirO (BE), L’essieu du batut (FR), Subtopia (SE) Vlaams Centrum voor Circuskunsten (BE) en Theater op de Markt – Dommelhof (BE)

HH Producties is the tour booker for Grasshoppers and more information can be found here