Thank you to everyone who attended the Slow Thinking | Circus Snapshot meeting on 29 July 2020. It was wonderful to see so many people offer their expertise and contribute to the discussions

You can find a summary of the Slow Thinking | Circus Snapshot findings here.

Our next collective steps are to shape the conversations from Slow Thinking into deeper discussions and, with our Mission Working Parties, find actions we can take forward to strengthen the circus sector across its many facets.

We are very much finding our way and don’t own this process but we recognise the need for it and have established some principles of engagement:

  • TRANSPARENCY – Meeting notes from Mission Working Parties will be shared and available to everyone.
  • CONNECTED AUTONOMY – Each Mission Working Party will define its own actions but will be aware of other conversations that can inform the actions they take.
  • REMUNERATION – Where people are unsalaried and they take a role as a Convener their time will be compensated.
  • ACTION FOCUSSED – We want active participants. Working groups will be focussed and determined to take action.
  • COMMITTED – We expect all participants to be committed to change.

These Mission Working Parties and Sector Support Groups will take place by video conference and be resourced by Circus Snapshot.