Acrobatic duo Nikki & JD will perform the full-length version of their highly acclaimed piece Knot at the BIRD Theatre Festival in Japan on 15 & 16 September.

From its premiere at The Place in 2016 as part of the Resolution festival, to its UK tour by Crying Out Loud as part of Circus Evolution and its presentation as part of Spotlight UK Circus, Knot has built a reputation as a masterful display of strength and athleticism which sensitively portrays a dynamic human bond.

The duo performed the piece at the first Seoul Circus Cabaret Festival in May 2018, and it was there that they met Michiko Tanaka, director of the Setouchi Circus Factory in Japan who was attending the first meeting of the Circus Asia Network. From that meeting the BIRD Theatre invited Nikki & JD to perform Knot at the 11th edition of their international festival in Tottori, a festival that presents work from Japan and oversees as well as connecting with local people, local history and local culture.