Join us in a conversation: What can we do to ensure a resilient thriving circus sector in the future?

There has been a surge in the quantity and quality of companies, an increase in programming opportunities and a significant increased interest in circus-based performance from audiences across the country. But, in comparison to other art-forms, the sector infrastructure remains limited and there is a need for more high-level advocacy for it to thrive.

Working with a small advisory team, Crying Out Loud has commissioned Daisy Drury to lead on a qualitative research project to create a snapshot overview of the circus sector in England today.

The sector is invited to these four Regional Circus Conversations to review the research and create shared proposals to advance the planning, advocacy and actions for the future. All are welcome.

Thu 24 October, 11:15 – 15:30
Trinity Centre’s Fyffe Hall, Trinity Rd, Bristol BS2 0NW (part of Bristol Circus City)

Fri 08 November, 11:15 – 15:30
National Centre for Circus Arts, Coronet Street, London, N1 6HD

Monday 20 January,13:30 – 18:30, FREE but please register
The Lowry, Pier 8 The Quays, Salford, M50 3AZ

Friday 31 January12:30 – 18:00, FREE but please register
Déda, 19 Chapel Street, Derby, DE1 3GU

The findings from this research will eventually be published online.