Daring to be different at a time when work for the young was seen to be secondary, Crying Out Loud blazed a trail in new ways of thinking about contemporary performance for audiences of all ages.
We believe that there is an audience for high quality visual theatre amongst all age groups and in all corners of the country.
Rachel Clare and the Crying Out Loud team are always out and about seeing what’s on offer for universal audiences. These are just some of the family shows we’ve booked to see this Christmas.
Antarctica by Little Bulb – Battersea Arts Centre
Described by The Guardian as ‘deliciously comic’ and ‘a magical show’, Little Bulb’s Antarctica is an enchanting show for children aged 2-6 and their families.
The Possible Impossible House by Forced Entertainment
Forced Entertainment have confounded conventions and exploded audience expectations for the past 30 years. This is the first work they have created for young people and their families.
Variety Soup by Slightly Fat Features – Leicester Square Theatre
This is Variety Soup, a unique comedy show stuffed with circus tricksters, original live music, magical moments, crazy illusion, spontaneous madness and laughs for all ages, shapes and sizes.
The Elves and the Shoemaker by Silly Boys – Colchester Arts Centre
A hilarious and heartwarming take on some of the world’s favourite fairytales. Find out what happened to the jolly old shoemaker, discover the dreadful fate of the Gingerbread Man and laugh in astonishment at The Emperor’s New Clothes.