This week Rachel Clare is in South Korea with a host of British programmers and promoters at an event organised by the Arts Council Korea (ARKO) and Arts Council England (ACE) in collaboration with the British Council.

The idea is that British arts professionals exchange experiences and good practice to strengthen the creative industries in South Korea, exchange policy on, for example, arts and disability, arts and an ageing population and the arts in education.

With the British Council, the group will be looking at how to establish connections and collaborations during the early stages of artists’ development, create introductions and enable project planning for exchanges and collaborations.

Rachel will also be spending time at PAMS (Performing Arts Market in Seoul) which is organised by the Korea Arts Management Service every October, and showcases the performing arts of Asia.

The UK delegation includes representatives from Farnham MaltingsArtsadminLIFTNorthern StageActivateChina PlateMayfestThe PlaceDance EastDance 4 and Watershed.