Artswork in Priority Places – free, online training

As a National Portfolio Organisation funded by Arts Council England, Artswork are committed to offering more activities and opportunities in Priority Places, communities where Arts Council are focusing creative and cultural investment over the next few years. If you live or work in a Priority Place in the South East, you qualify for fully funded places on a range of Artswork Professional Development courses. Training, gives participants the opportunity for online learning at a time and place that suits them.

Book your free place here.

Grow your business with expert bid writing

Solent Partners offers a series of fully-funded training courses, Skills for Successful Business, on a range of topics for businesses based in the Solent region. Workshops are available to those businesses that have already had some experience of bid writing. If you have placed a bid and been unsuccessful or if you have placed a successful bid, but want to improve the quality of your writing, this workshop is for you.

Courses are fully-funded and those attending will also receive a 30-minute one-to-one consultation with the Winning Tenders team.

01 March 2024 – Havant Plaza, Civic Centre Road PO9 2AX

07 March 2024 – Hanger Farm, Aikman Lane Totton SO40 8FT

These workshops will begin at 9am and finish at 5pm. Lunch is included, read more here.


And Crying Out Loud is offering 1-2-1 mentoring to artists based in the Solent area, contact us for further details.