Following her successful debut show L’Oublié(e), which premiered in the UK at Brighton Festival 2015, Raphaëlle Boitel now presents 5èmes Hurlants / Uproar 5.
In 5èmes Hurlants, 5 young artists showcase their incredible skills. It’s all about physicality and perseverance: how circus artists interact with their bodies and their apparatus, whether it’s a rope, a trapeze or a hoop; how they’re making the impossible possible thanks to their intensive training and determination.
Fusing mind-blowing acts, 5èmes Hurlants is the perfect example of what contemporary circus has to offer. Raphaëlle Boitel met the performers at Annie Fratellini’s Circus School, one of the best in Europe. She has worked with them previously on smaller scale projects and now they are in the limelight and it couldn’t be more exciting. Sheer physical prowess, a dose of poetry and a life lesson, all told through circus.