Credit: Abbas Make


Circostrada is a European platform for street arts and circus. An information exchange network comprising 30 organisations chosen for their expertise and knowledge, it is based at Hors Les Murs in Paris. Meeting twice a year at an event hosted by one of the member organisations, Circostrada’s goal is to work on the development and infrastructure of street arts and circus throughout Europe. Crying Out Loud was chosen as the partner for the first meeting held in London in April 2009.

In 2010, Circostrada and Crying Out Loud jointly organised a seminar for European Arts Council Officers introducing them to the circus and street arts sectors.  Attendees participated in a day programme of talks and discussions and attended shows at the London International Mime Festival.

Crying Out Loud regularly participates in Circostrads’s quarterly meetings, seminars and discussions hosted at European festivals.



  • Fresh Circus #5, Auch


  • Fresh Circus #4, Paris
  • General meeting at Circusstad, Rotterdam
  • Conference at the African Circus Arts Festival, Addis Ababa


  • General meeting at Greenwich+Docklands International Festival, London


  • Seminar “European Capitals of Culture and Circus Arts”, Marseille


  • General meeting at Festival Humorologie, the Netherlands


  • Fresh Circus #2, Paris
  • General meeting, Bratislava
  • Fresh Circus #3, Aix-en-Provence

Read more on Circostrada.