Under the Circus Voices scheme, two people will have the opportunity to visit Edinburgh Festival Fringe this summer to see and talk about the variety of circus work on offer.

Circus is a rapidly expanding force within the UK performing arts world, but the knowledge and confidence to talk about this work in a critically engaged way is still under-developed. Building a vocabulary to speak about circus in a meaningful way is essential for artists looking to promote their work, and for collaborators hoping to build projects together effectively. Informed reviews are also key to audiences and for connecting circus artists with developments in the field.

This week-long residency will explore different ways circus ideas can be expressed and shared. The scheme is supported by The Roundhouse and Crying Out Loud in partnership with the Network of Independent Critics.

If you are keen to develop your skills in this area, email NICritics[@]mail.com with ‘circus’ in the subject line to receive an application pack. Closing date is 25th May 2016.

See The Circus Diaries for more information about Circus Voices.